Movie Recommendation Project (2019)

For this Project, I applied TensorFlow, and tried different machine learning models to do predictions. I also applied evaluation tools in sklearn to do evaluation based on hyperparameter adjustments. The main recommendation include the following:

1. Simple Recommender: This system used overall TMDB Vote Count and Vote Averages to build Top Movies Charts, in general and for a specific genre. The IMDB Weighted Rating System was used to calculate ratings on which the sorting was finally performed.

2. Content Based Recommender: We built two content based engines; one that took movie overview and taglines as input and the other which took metadata such as cast, crew, genre and keywords to come up with predictions. We also devised a simple filter to give greater preference to movies with more votes and higher ratings.

3.Collaborative Filtering: We used the powerful Surprise Library to build a collaborative filter based on single value decomposition. The RMSE obtained was less than 1 and the engine gave estimated ratings for a given user and movie.

4.Hybrid Engine: We brought together ideas from content and collaborative filtering to build an engine that gave movie suggestions to a particular user based on the estimated ratings that it had internally calculated for that user.